What is your “Backup Plan”?

One day recently I visited with three clients that were in the hospital and were unable to return home! (A woman younger than me, a man the same age as our son and an elderly gentleman.) All of them were overwhelmed and had no idea what to do. Frequently we work with people who suddenly … Continue reading What is your “Backup Plan”?

Children and “Golden Relationships”

Recently I’ve heard of several situations where lonely seniors have reached out to people who were their teen aged sweethearts. They had parted ways many years ago, gotten jobs, gotten married, had families then lost their partner.

Change Is Not That Easy

Recently our favourite restaurant closed after many years and it was very hard on us. When celebrating a special occasion, tired after a busy day, wanting “comfort food” or meeting family members we would go to Wongs Chinese Restaurant. We had watched the Wong children grow up, get married and have their own children and … Continue reading Change Is Not That Easy